This week I'm coming up with cover designs for the True/False feature of Vox. I started with a few ideas that obviously reference film so I decided to do the popcorn and soda changing the names to "true" and "false." I think it turned out pretty well; it has that pop art kind of feel, which I think is youthful and fun. For my second idea I used theatre chairs and had the head "sitting" in the chairs. I thought this was a interesting idea instead of a simple picture with the head slapped on the top. My third idea was inspired by the True/False website. They have this really cool graphic with a rowboat and balloons. It's this very surrealist, escapist feel and I wanted to emulate that. So I used hot air balloons to create the same kind of feeling as escape and fantasy. I like these because they're different than stereotypical movie themes, but I'm afraid it might be to vague for people to get right away. However, after six years of True/False you've got to try new things. I know all of them probably need some work so feedback will be nice on these.
I really liked that you tried to do something completely different for your True/False covers. I think that after six years, the community is familiar enough with the festival that a less than obvious cover could work.