This week I'm working on redesigning my cover for True/False, which I think I'm going to stick with the hot air balloon, surrealist idea except make it a little more identifiable with True/False. I like this idea of doing something a little out of the box, because the designers at True/False think out of the box in their own work. Why not mimic that? I'll post this later because it's still in the works.
In other work, I'm designing short talk this weekend and in my photography class I'm working on a project incorporating the children's book Where the Wild Things Are. Anyone remember that classic? I'm loosely basing it on this project done by photographer Abelardo Morell where he used an older edition of Alice in Wonderland. I might post my work later when it's complete along with Short Talk for 02/26.
Alice in Wonderland has always been one of my favorite stories! I think it's important for all of us to look to past for inspiration from time to time and this is a great way to remind us. Thanks!